09. February 2013 · Comments Off on Trans-Atlantic Day 13 · Categories: Posts

Trans-Atlantic  Day 13

Well we were at 17’16.409′ N, 44’56.908′ W at 9 am this morning.
The GPS said I would get to run on a beach in about 937 nm.  So we are less then 1000nm away.

We have moved off the 4000 m deep Cap Verde Abyssal Plain onto the Mid Atlantic Ridge.
If any of you are any good at Geography, you will know this is where the continents are pulled apart.
North and South America are being pulled away from Europe and Africa.
The result is a huge rift in the sea floor that fills with molten lava.  Depths greater then 4000 m.
It will take us a couple of days to cross this and then we will be over the Demerara Abyssal Plain and then the Venezuelan Basin.

We had some brisk winds last night and had to reef in the sails as it all got very rolly.
We have to check everything now, as the constant wear on the sails and rigging is loosening bolts.  We also know now that the dingy will have to go somewhere on the deck on long passages.

The days are getting very hot, and so are the nights too.  The human’s feed me ice cubes in the shade during the afternoon, to help cool me.  Even they are seeking the shade before noon, when the sun gets to hot to sit under.  I am very happy that we have a cockpit cover for shade. Cooking in the galley has become uncomfortable for the humans.  They have switched to heavy breakfasts and only light lunches and dinners.

Me, I eat for England, and my appetite has increased.  It takes a lot of energy to stay up right on this rolly tub of a boat.
The day light hours have changed too.  The sun sets a lot later and does not come up until later.  I imagine we have crossed at least two time lines.  The human’s have changed their watch systems.
8-10pm and 10-12am are two hour naps each.  12am-3am and 3am-6am are night sleeps each.  6am-8am and 8am-10am and morning naps.
They usually stay awake for the day.  They say that trying to stay awake for 3 hours is long enough at night.  But I stay up with them, curled up on their laps and giving them ‘numb bum’, and I catch them dozing off all the time.  They are lucky there is nothing out here but flying fish.

Well I have to get the fishing lines out and see if we can catch a sea monster from the deep.


SOA Day 13, also Lochmarin, Amorosa & Limbo other of SOA Friends met in Maderia

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