Have you ever heard the saying ‘he who dies with the most toys wins’ ? It is certainly true here in Fowey.
A premier location to visit along the south coast of Cornwall, the Cornish Riviera it is nick named, Fowey does attract the rich and famous. Their are some great luxury yachts and motor cruisers here of a substantial size. No bother to me, because I am a dog, but I have seen my human owners jaws drop a little.
The only thing I am interested in is going for walks and playing. They took me for a long walk up to St. Catherine’s Castle on the point.
I suspected they had alterior motives for the walk….and I was right!
The first give away was the empty bottle of vodka they put in the recycling at the beginning of the walk. Me thinks they are taking the ‘cruising life’ much too much to heart. ‘Sun downers’ have become too common with these two.
The second give away was them getting the kayaks afloat. I was sure the walk was a rouse to tire me out so they could go off and have fun. And I was right. They let me come with them kayaking in Dartmouth. But I admit I did have trouble sitting in one place for long. I suspect they wanted to go a little further this time and thought I was best left behind to have an afternoon siesta.
I think I was the smart one to stay behind as they came back a little exhausted. Seems the river side pub up the estuary was a little too far to make in a day and they had to turn back. This was primarily because they did not take the tides into account. They had the flooding tide with them….but they also had the stronger flooding tide against them on the return. Hard slog back!!! They had lots of fun anyway and saw some great wild life.
The man human fell out of his kayak trying to prove how shallow one part of the estury was.
As tired as they were upon their return, I had just woken up, and was full of energy. We all had a lovely evening playing on the boat and I got some of the lamb off the BBQ.
But now it is morning and the boat is a mess. The guard rails are covered in drying shorts and life jackets.
We do not look at all like the lovely luxury yachts that surround us. But we have decided….we don’t care.
We have decided to make our own motto:
He who dies having the most fun WINS!
On route then, have a great time and keep the blog going
good luck