Trans-Atlantic Day 16
The winds have been very, very light, so we have not gotten far.
16’13.56′ N, 50’56.847′ W at 9 am this morning.
The GPS says I will be able to run further then the length of the boat in just over 586 nm.
It was a real ‘scorcher’ yesterday. With no wind the human’s needed to put the UV side screens on the south side of the boat to give us all more shade. The boat drifted with the tide, more then it sailed.
In the evening the sun turned bright red as it approached the horizon and a pod of Atlantic Spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) came to play with us as it set. This pod was much darker in colour and had bright white tips on their noses compared to the last pod.
We ‘waddled’ through the night with no winds, but at least we have had a very smooth drift. The waves have turned into ‘what I had imagined’ as mid Ocean waves. Very large, long waves with big open troughs between them.
We have spent the morning clearing flying fish off the deck again. They have to jump over 2m out of the water to get over the netting we have all around the guard rails. We are leaving the Mid Atlantic Ridge now and are going over the Demerara Abyssal Plain towards the Caribbean.
It looks to be another ‘scorcher’ today. The winds are forecast to improve through the week, getting quite strong on Friday.
We will just have to ‘take it as it comes’.