06. September 2012 · Comments Off on 07/09/2012 It is getting warmer · Categories: Posts

Finally, my owners got some sunbathing in. Life is tough. That was until a racing yacht decided to come in real close. I barked at him to go away. I also did the same to the dolphins that kept coming to the boat to play. This is my boat, not their play thing. I am sure the more I bark the more come.

The trip started out a little bumpy, but quickly leveled out when we turned south down around Finisterre. It always seems calmer when the waves are coming from behind. Lots of other boats out making passages while the sea state was good.

We are anchored up off the town of Muros in the Ria de Muros. Again we are hit by the ‘lemming effect’. No sooner do we decide where we think it is best to anchor then other boats come into harbour and start anchoring all around us. There is a whole bay, but they have to anchor right beside, in front and behind us. They think we know more then they do.

I am waiting patiently for them to drop the dingy so I can go to shore. We will check the weather and probably stay an extra day to have a good look around. The next Ria sounds very interesting with some great history, so we will probably head there sooner then later.

The boat is running great and no break downs ect., ect., ect. yet. Fingers crossed. Just needed to work out the kinks before she was sea worthy!

Our stop the night before in Corme (Ria de Corme y Laxe)

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